8 min read
June 21, 2023


Capturing audiences’ attention has become more challenging than ever. While achieving 100% viewability may sound impressive, it doesn’t necessarily mean users are truly engaged with your ad content – viewability falls short of revealing the true impact of ads on consumer engagement and brand recall.

As mobile usage continues to rise and traditional platforms like TV are losing ground, advertisers find themselves in an epic battle to out-innovate and woo the ever-elusive consumer. 53% of all ad formats were able to meet viewability standards but received less than 1 second of active attention, according to an OMG & Yahoo! study.

Get ready to dive into the captivating world of attention vs viewability!

Discover how mCanvas, the ultimate powerhouse of creativity, can supercharge your brand with gamified and interactive mobile ads that will make heads turn and thumbs tap with excitement!

shifting paradigm: mobile takes center stage

Mobile usage has skyrocketed over the past few years, becoming the go-to platform for content consumption among today’s digital-savvy audience. Say goodbye to old-school TV as the young generation embraces the convenience and flexibility of mobile devices. With more people glued to their smartphones, it has become increasingly challenging for brands to capture and retain their attention.

(source: Statista)

It’s time for marketers to tap into this trend and unlock the full potential of mobile advertising. With mCanvas, brands can reach the hearts and minds of their target audience on their beloved smartphones, creating captivating and interactive experiences that leave a lasting impression.

the effect of the human connection

In this competitive landscape, where human connection is a volatile variable in the branding mix, how can your brand stand out from the rest of the competition? The personal touch goes a long way, especially when it comes to capturing the attention of Millennials and Gen Z. At mCanvas, we understand that simply getting users to glance at an ad isn’t enough – we aim for engagement that resonates with your target audience.

By leveraging the power of creatives, we go beyond mere glances and strive for meaningful interactions that leave a lasting impression. By leveraging the power of sensors in mobile devices and infusing your ads with gamified elements, we create ads that invite users to play, interact, and engage.

(source: “Attention in Context Research 2022” by Amplified Intelligence )

These gamified brand experiences not only boost engagement and click-through rates (CTR) but also foster genuine connections that drive brand recall and generate intent from the audience which leads to brand consideration.

attention: the ultimate measuring stick for ad performance

A recent WARC study on ‘Attention Measurement’ explores the significance of attention in digital advertising and its correlation with campaign performance. It provides compelling evidence linking attention metrics to key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand recall, purchase intent, and click-through rates.

In a case study by OMG, a certain brand faced a conundrum: as sales volume increased, so did the average cost per sale, hampering its profitability. OMG introduced the client to visual attention data – a game changer in the attention marketplace. Armed with this powerful tool, they boldly revamped their creative approach, explored uncharted formats, and managed to stay ahead of their competition. As a result, with higher attention, the brand achieved a reduced cost per sale.

Incorporating attention data into media planning and buying systems is revolutionizing the advertising landscape. Strong evidence now shows that measuring attention in mobile ads directly impacts crucial business effects, from profitability to streamlined processes. Brace yourself for the transformative power of attention, as it captivates audiences and sparks remarkable business impact in the realm of mobile advertising.

And that’s where mCanvas steps in!

mCanvas: where creativity meets cutting-edge technology

In a world where mere viewability doesn’t guarantee true engagement, mCanvas goes beyond the surface to ensure that brands make a lasting impact. By integrating interactivity into mobile ads, mCanvas empowers marketers to break through the clutter and captivate their target audience, driving better campaign results and ultimately achieving branding goals.

At mCanvas, we don’t just create mobile ads; we craft unforgettable experiences that leverage the smartphone’s 60+ sensors and features. From entertainment campaigns that transport users into the world of their favorite shows to FMCG campaigns that engage users through interactive product experiences, mCanvas provides the platform to make your brand shine. We have conducted numerous brand lift studies across various sectors, consistently delivering an average of 25% higher brand lift than other ad platforms.

data speaks: high attention drives results

Studies consistently show high attention levels lead to better brand lift and campaign effectiveness. While viewability will remain an essential baseline for digital ad campaigns, marketers should prioritize attention as the key outcome for their brands. Imagine an entertainment campaign that doesn’t just showcase a product but invites users to be part of the story!

Sony x mCanvas launched the latest installment of its Venom movie by providing users with a highly immersive and thrilling gamified experience. We blended the brand’s narrative with the smartphone’s capabilities to create an immersive experience that resonated with Gen Z and Millennials. By leveraging gamification and the latest technology, our interactive mobile ad for Sony generated buzz, increased brand recall, and kept the audience immersed in the game for 11 seconds on average.

McDonald’s x mCanvas created a virtual reality-led gamified ad experience to promote to launch of their Minions dessert collaboration. By utilizing mCanvas’ scroller sensors, McDonald’s was able to draw attention to the product in an entertaining manner. The mobile campaign garnered 7% CTR generating massive buzz around the new dessert launch.

Another powerful tool in mCanvas’s arsenal is interactive videos. Unlike traditional, passive video ads, our interactive videos actively involve users, allowing them to make choices, explore different storylines, or even play mini-games within the ad experience. This level of interactivity captures attention and fosters a sense of immersion and engagement, making your brand message more memorable and compelling. According to recent video marketing statistics, interactive videos are amongst the most effective tools to break through the noise.

But we didn’t just stop there! mCanvas revolutionized how users interact with brands. Our unique application of sensors transcends standard display advertising into stimulating experiences, making users feel like they’re part of something extraordinary.

In our recent campaigns for a few top global brands, we measured how our interactive mobile ads that garnered 100% attention are more effective in achieving higher favorability and visibility for brands.

  • For our Pepsi ad during the FIFA World Cup, 44% of football fans who interacted with the creative gave it 100% attention.
  • For our Google Lens promotional campaign, we received 100% attention from an astounding 51% of the audience who engaged with the ad.
  • And with our BMW IX awareness campaign, 49% of users who engaged had 100% attention focused on the interactive creative.

Yes, these campaigns captured 100% of user attention!

are you ready to turn attention into action?

In a world where attention is a valuable currency, mCanvas offers a unique solution to capture user attention and create meaningful brand experiences. Say goodbye to traditional advertising and hello to a new era of exciting managed mobile campaigns.

Together, let’s redefine mobile branding and put your brand at the forefront of innovation by capturing attention, stimulating interaction, and generating actual purchase intent!

We also provide the option of programmatic ad campaigns to brands across the globe. To learn more about how mCanvas’ interactive programmatic ads can maximize attention for your brand, check out our blog: Unleash Your Brand’s Superpowers with mCanvas Interactive Programmatic Ads.

Initiate your next campaign with mCanvas, by leveraging gamified creatives and interactive mobile sensors that grab 100% attention for your brand!

craft immersive ad experiences for your brand, with us!

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