8 min read
October 25, 2023


In the digital ad world, efficient media buying is the make-or-break strategy. Inefficient wastage of ad spends can tank even the best of ad campaigns. This underscores the important role of targeting and planning in any advertising strategy, a core competency of mCanvas through managed and programmatic ad campaigns.

unlocking the media universe: where targeting reigns supreme

Targeting lies at the heart of any effective media buying and planning strategy. It’s the art of delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time. Targeting serves as the compass guiding advertisers toward the most receptive audience.

Precision is paramount in today’s digital landscape, where attention spans are measured in seconds. Ensuring that your ad investments are well-spent and maximally effective is at the core of the mCanvas approach.

A Study by Attention Council UK reinforces that when users spend just 3 seconds on standard banner ads, it stays in their memory for up to 5 days. However, an 8-second interactive ad remains in the user’s memory for up to 30 days.

This displays the critical importance of efficient media buying with precision targeting. By reaching the right audience at the right moment and engaging them with interactive experiences, brands can capture attention and ensure that their message lingers in the minds of consumers, driving higher brand recall and sentiment long after the initial interaction.

mCanvas: your digital matchmaker for precision targeting

mCanvas understands that while most marketers are familiar with targeting, the future of targeting delves much deeper. We recognize the profound importance of precision targeting and employ cutting-edge techniques to ensure your message reaches its intended recipients.

Our commitment to precision targeting is underpinned by a data-driven strategy that taps into user behaviors, demographics, and preferences to place your brand message in front of those most likely to connect and engage with the ad, becoming advocates for your brand.

Unlocking the perfect user match is our forte at mCanvas. Think of us as the digital matchmakers but with a B2B twist — our targeting methodology hones in on specific demographics, operating systems, and device types to ensure precise targeting. We go beyond the basics, delving into nuanced aspects such as shopper intent, travel intent, and other parameters.

Our comprehensive strategy ensures that we connect your brand with the most relevant audience, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts by ensuring relevant content reaches the right people at the right time. Our laser-focused and granular targeting tools enable us to target the right audience across different groups, which include some of the segments shown below:

B2B focused & demographic targeting

targeting based on shopper intent & travel intent

and much more…

mCanvas magic: crafting media mastery with efficiency

At mCanvas, we don’t just create ads; we craft experiences. Our approach to advertising revolves around user-first, brand-driven, interactive mobile ads.

We leverage an efficient media buying strategy to ensure that your ads are seen by the right people at the right moment and in the right context. Our media buying expertise extends to managed and programmatic ad campaigns, strategically placing your brand message in front of your target audience.

By combining creativity with precision targeting, we create advertising experiences that captivate users’ full-screen attention and drive meaningful interactions with your brand, ultimately delivering the desired results.

According to the BLI study conducted by Kantar on 42 mCanvas ad campaigns across various verticals between 2021 and 2023, mCanvas has delivered double digit uplifts across multiple key performance indicators (KPIs) in elevating brand awareness, enhancing message resonance, and driving a notable surge in consumer engagement. Compared to industry benchmarks, mCanvas has delivered 8X higher impact on purchase intent over global delta norms.

To know more, read the mCanvas x Kantar whitepaper.unveiling our ad experiences

unveiling our ad experiences

Alienware by Dell encouraged consumers to embrace their inner gamer by initiating with a jump, followed by an enticing journey into the gaming universe, where they unveiled their latest launch.

Watch the campaign video here

Intel promoted its new line of products with an engaging gamified ad that infused augmented reality features to provide users with a highly immersive and thrilling experience.

Take a look at the gamified ad here

why efficient media buying is your brand’s best friend

A successful ad campaign’s true essence rests in reaching your intended audience with a profound impact. mCanvas is your ideal partner in executing media plans with unparalleled efficiency, ensuring your message captures your audience’s attention and drives brand sentiment.

Here’s why mCanvas should be your go-to choice for media buying:

  • Precision targeting: mCanvas uses advanced techniques for precise ad placement, maximizing engagement and conversions.
  • Interactive impact: We create captivating, sensor-driven mobile ads that seize full-screen attention, making your message unforgettable. (see case studies for reference.)
  • Proven results: With 4,000+ campaigns for 500+ advertisers and a 65% annual repeat rate, mCanvas consistently delivers outstanding branding results.
  • Top-funnel metrics:  Our top-funnel metrics outshine competitors, delivering 25% higher brand lift.
  • High-impact formats: We offer unique ad formats, from motion to gamification, ensuring your brand stands out.
  • Programmatic efficiency: Our programmatic campaigns enhance ROI and cost-effectiveness.
  • Award-winning creatives: mCanvas has earned 115+ awards from major media publications, showcasing our creative excellence and ability to produce captivating ads.
  • Premium media placement: We collaborate with top content and gaming publishers, ensuring your ads are placed in environments that enhance your brand’s image.
  • In-depth analytics: Gain insights into user behavior with our comprehensive data and refine your future campaigns.
  • Mobile expertise: We leverage 60+ smartphone sensors and features to craft immersive brand experiences.
  • Audience engagement: mCanvas specializes in engaging your target audience through storytelling ads for millennials and scalable mobile branding, fostering familiarity and brand recall.

crafting ad campaigns: go bespoke or hit autopilot

Go bespoke with our managed ad campaigns or hit autopilot with our programmatic ad campaigns. mCanvas offers the best of both worlds: Our managed ad campaigns provide personalized, hands-on solutions tailored to your brand’s objectives, while our programmatic ad campaigns deliver efficient, data-driven strategies for improved ROI.

With a track record of delivering top-funnel results that matter, mCanvas empowers your brand to make a memorable impact in the digital advertising landscape. Remember, in a world where attention spans are measured in seconds, efficiency in media buying can make all the difference.

Are you ready to captivate your audience and transform your brand’s advertising journey? Choose mCanvas, and let’s redefine mobile branding together.

craft immersive ad experiences for your brand, with us!

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