8 min read
June 24, 2021

Top 5 Mobile-First CTAs that are Enabling Brands to Achieve their Marketing KPIs

The adoption and growth of mobile as a powerful advertising medium has skyrocketed over the past couple of years, the success of which can be attributed to the increasingly affordable prices of smartphones. Marketers have leveraged this growth by embracing mobile advertising, and it has paid off in great dividends. The advanced targeting capabilities, mobile-ready formats, sensors and features within smartphones, and more are what make mobile ads more engaging for brands.  

One of the most compelling features of mobile ads that have propelled this medium to new heights is the innovative call-to-actions, or as they are more popularly known, CTAs.  

CTAs work well when used contextually to drive meaningful actions that correspond to the campaign objective. They are incisive, engaging, and convert better.  

Here are some of the top 5 CTAs that are working well for brands across industries.

  1. 1. Add to Calendar  

Imagine an interactive ad where a user is prompted to watch something at a specific time. Mobile CTA ’Add to Calendar’ does this seamlessly, by adding a reminder directly on the consumers’ phone. The brand does not need to send another notification to remind the user of the event.  

A use case of this feature was recently done by NBA Sundays. NBA Sundays, a live broadcast of the renowned NBA games, wanted to promote its matches and remind consumers to watch the game, innovatively. To engage its audience and achieve the campaign goal, the brand unveiled an immersive mobile ad that first engaged consumers with a short trailer video, followed by the CTA ‘Add to Calendar’.  

When clicked, the ad automatically set a reminder for them, right on the calendar app of their smartphone, ensuring that they were reminded to watch the games at the right time.

2. Locate Store  

Mobile phones come with GPS built-in, and this can be used by brands in interactive ads to help consumers find a specific location or more precisely, a retail store. This not only makes the ad more engaging and meaningful but also prompts the consumers to take immediate action by helping them to easily navigate to the store.  

Rupa, a prominent innerwear brand, used this to direct consumers to its stores. While highlighting its range of products, Rupa wanted to motivate its target audience to visit its retail store as well. Leveraging powerful motion sensors, the mobile campaign creatively engaged the audience and informed them about the brand message.  

The CTA of the ad created immense intrigue among consumers creating an online to offline impact. The prompt ‘Locate Store’ directed the consumers to the Google Maps app on their mobile phone and displayed the location of stores based on their current location.

3. Click to Call

One of the many benefits of mobile ads is the ability to make a call, directly from the ad experience. This helps brands to generate direct leads from an ad. The campaign works simply – it aims to be engaging and compelling enough for consumers to consider reaching out to the brand, after seeing the CTA ’Click to Call’. On clicking the prompt, consumers directly dial a predefined number, enabling them to seamlessly contact the brand.  

CEAT, the Indian multinational tyre company, showcased its personalized customer services and pick up and drop facilities, with an animative ad. The brand additionally wanted to encourage customers to call, to avail of these services.  

Leveraging the power of mobile, CEAT launched an animative and impactful ad that featured the brand’s messaging and a nudge to ‘Click to Call’. On tapping, consumers gave a missed call, after which they received a follow-up call directly from the brand to take their queries forward.  

4. Install Now  

With smartphones, the majority of brands have created their own mobile apps to engage a captive audience. Brands want to promote themselves innovatively and acquire consumers by prompting them to install their apps. This can be achieved with an interactive mobile ad that generates curiosity for the brand, by featuring the CTA ’Install Now’, which helps them to complete the journey in a single step. The CTA will then direct consumers to the app store, depending on the operating system of the phone.  

CASHe wanted to highlight its app CASHe – Instant Loans and uniquely drive app downloads.  

To do this, the animative mobile ad featured the key messaging of the campaign, along with the CTA ‘Install Now’, that led consumers to the app store on their smartphone, where they could proceed to download the app.  

5. Book my Test Drive  

The automotive boom in India has resulted in automotive companies vying for the consumer’s attention. However, in order to engage them creatively, and shorten the purchasing cycle, the ad features a CTA ‘Book a Test Drive’. This helps them to stay ahead of the competition and get user information often leading to quicker conversions.

The leading luxury car manufacturer, Audi, promoted its Q7 car online to drive requests for test drives among the most interested customers.  

Audi created an ad that highlighted the key attractive features and displayed appealing visuals of the car. The ad generated interest and the CTA ‘Book a Test Drive’ ensured that the highly engaged consumers register for a test ride immediately while the interaction was fresh in their mind. On clicking, the ad directed them to the brand’s landing page, where they could fill in their details and schedule a test drive.  

It is pertinent now that CTAs work well within mobile ads to drive meaningful action and fulfill various campaign goals effectively. It is these innovative prompts that intrigue consumers, while also sustaining top-of-mind recall. mCanvas has been a front-runner in the integration of mobile-first CTAs that effectively drive intent-driven action and achieve marketing KPIs. Offering mobile branding solutions at scale, mCanvas provides 3 solutions based on key branding KPIs – engagements, website visits, and video views. The company’s work has also been recognized by industry stalwarts and has been the recipient of countless renowned awards.

Connect with us and get more information on how mCanvas’ solutions can contribute to your marketing objectives. Our sales rep will reach out to you shortly.

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